So lately my Lovelies, I've been reading, watching, listening to all things about love. Sounds scary right? Possibly nail-biting tinges but no fear here. Reading Essences's November issue with actress Nia Long gracing the cover moved me to watch one of my all-time favorites, "Love Jones", which then lured me to music by Maxwell and Marvin Gaye, and surprisingly, compelled me to attempt to finish
The Conversation by Hill Harper- for the second time. Seeing as how I am giving Harper's book a second chance, you can say that love has obviously been null and voided from my mind. Yet, those of us who think that we can escape cupid's scheme of things, must come to the realistic conclusion that love is forever emotionally, soulfully, and romantically-binding. Unfortunately, our views have been affected by Media and Hollywood's depiction of what its journey is or should be (I'm admittingly a product of that environment). A percentage of men and women are spoiled by happy-endings, long kisses under sunsets, moon lightings, rainfalls and blinding ring fingers. Another percentage are turned-off by ficticious, highly-dramatic novels, reality-t.v. nuptials, and non-fictional, sky-rocketing divorces and single-parent living. The rest are simply confused: drawing half inspiration from older couples' successess, the other half from friends' relationship triumphs, all while engulfing poor advice from the equally confused. Your love story cannot manifest from what you view or read because love is in fact, an action; it must be written by what you do- the things you say. Romance, a feeling that was once without inhibitions, is now thought to be played out and useless. At my job, I see countless women who will pick up a beautiful shoe, smile at the idea of wearing it, but quickly turn their noses up thinking, where on earth will I wear a shoe like that?? On the opposite spectrum, there are some guys who truly believe that the key aesthetic of romance is giving a woman a free meal!! It's as if our lives are so mechanized that we have forgotten how to explore every element of love- one key element being romance. This discussion about love can be broken down in so many ways starting with passion leading up to sex, but first our society must do what is most fundamental, which is separating fantasy from reality. Yeah, easier said than done, especially with all the negative statistics, opinions, and fallacies that clog our minds; however, with fundamental stemming from the word mental, at some point
we gotta break free in order to begin thinking for ourselves. Write your own love story, create your own traditions, but remember: no story is without lessons taught and lessons learned. Ask me if I understand every thought that I've just expressed? YES. Now ask me if I'm ready for it? I DIGRESS (shamefully laughs). Ladies, Gentlemen, share your thoughts through comment, or with the one you love. . .*