
D.I.Y "Cold Shoulder Denim Top"

Cut-out shoulder tops are all the craze this season, and I have wanted one in denim....just wasn't prepared to to pay those prices!!! So, I challenged myself to a Do-It-YOURSELF project; here's how it went::

"I took an ordinary denim top from Forever 21(19.99), & made a guess measurement from where my bra strap would end to my mid arm or where I wanted the cut-out to stop, marking both places with a pencil."

"Next, I folded both shirt sleeves in half and taking a pair of sharp scissors, I cut a large crescent-moon shape(scissors slanted) beginning from 1 pencil mark to the other."

"Ending result"*__*

"Because I like my edges alil worn, I decided to slightly shred them using a safety pin-"

D.i.y denim tops can be purchased at Forever 21($19.99-27.99); Old Navy($27.99)

Not a d.i.y chic but feelin lucky, TRY:

urban renewal cold-shoulder denim shirt, $49.99(urbanoutfitters.com)

gentle fawn women's patchwork motel top, $90.00(80spurple.com)


Brittany said...

This is too cute! I love the frayed edges!

Masonya said...

thank you babe!!

Cathy said...

Cool shirt! (:

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Vonny said...

nice to know your blog :D